My Song

We can all relate to when listening to a song. In this case, I can visualize myself in a soundtrack. The music that expresses me is called ”Roaring TIdes” in Clannad: After Story.

The reason why I can picture myself in this is due to the mood of the song.  From my perspective, I believe that the mood is dramatic yet peaceful. I try to stay calm even during hash times that I am experiencing or others are going through.  In addition, I can be dramatic at times, and when this happens, I hear this in my head nonstop. Lastly, from my point of view, I see a lot of unnecessary drama which I can be included.

Not to mention, the way the instruments collaborate with each other to form a masterpiece. I can see a part of me because I am a fan of teamwork. Also, because I can work with anyone. There is also the way the piano works in this soundtrack. In this song, it sounds so inspiring and being supportive. That is the kind of person that I am striving for.

Lastly, there is the message. It is not clear, it’s as if you’re at a harsh moment. However, there is sport out there. That’s what I can visualize when listening to the song. For me, I do get some difficulties, however, I get a lot of support. As a result, this song sounds very motivating.

As can be seen, I see a part of me in this soundtrack due to a variety of reasons. Reasons that include the mood, the mind movie, and the way the instruments work together. Therefore, this music represents me in so many ways.




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